[rt-users] custom field display sort & odd workaround

Jack D. Browning jacorp at bellsouth.net
Tue May 8 15:18:44 EDT 2007


Thanks for your input.

I actually did use the [Move up] and [Move down] web interface method when setting this up & trying to resolve the sort order, although it was from "Configuration > Global > Custom Fields > Ticket Transactions" section.  This method is what initially set the sort order values I was referring to in the database tables as noted in the original post.  The sort values appear to be stored in the table "objectcustomfields" in the "sortorder" column, and these continue to match the sort order in the above noted configuration screen in every case, but not in the comments screen for a ticket.  And that is where the odd workaround below comes in, at least until a more correct solution is rolled into the code, if it is in fact the code, and not my installation.  From what I've read, it does appear that it might be something in the code, as others are still experiencing this issue as evidenced by Kenneth Marshall's response in this thread that shows he's having the same problem.

Also, as noted by Justin Brodley and Jeff Stark in this thread, there may be a patch available that resolves this, but apparently it's not been rolled up into the main codebase.  The only patch that I was aware of from the archives was in fact submitted by Joop, but it appears to affect the Oracle.pm file as far as I can tell.

Jack B.

 >>  You can specify the order in "Configuration > Queues > YourQueueName > 
 >>  Ticket Custom Fields" using the [Move up] and [Move down] links to the 
 >>  right of each field.

 >>  At 08:03 AM 5/8/2007, Jack D. Browning wrote:
 >>  >
 >>  >Problem:
 >>  >Custom Fields seemed to display fine when first set up.  Then, after 
 >>  >modifying them, they display with a different sort order than originally 
 >>  >set up.  The sort fields in the tables did not change.
 >>  >
 >>  >Odd Workaround:
 >>  >After searching unsuccessfully for a solution, I fiddled around with it 
 >>  >some and found that appears to be sorting them based on when the custom 
 >>  >fields were last updated.  So, I tried manually editing the lastupdated 
 >>  >fields in the tables to get a different sort order, with no effect at 
 >>  >all.  However, if I use the web interface to edit each field in the order
 >>  >I want them to appear on the display, it works fine, and appears to work 
 >>  >consistently.  So, if I have to change or add a custom field, after I'm 
 >>  >done, I just go in and edit each custom field _in the order I want them
 >>   to 
 >>  >display_, by adding or removing a period (.) at the end of each custom 
 >>  >field's description field, and it puts them back in the desired order in 
 >>  >the display.
 >>  >

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