[rt-users] Question on clearing mason cache

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri May 11 11:28:30 EDT 2007

On May 10, 2007, at 6:40 PM, Mike Friedman wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Am I misunderstanding something, or is it the case that, if RT is  
> running with mod_perl, the mason cache is automatically cleared on  
> each apache restart, assuming I'm not running with 'DevelMode' on?   
> That's what the code in webmux.pl seems to be doing.
> Over the years, I've seen many comments reminding someone to clear  
> the mason cache in addition to restarting RT, when making certain  
> kinds of changes.  But now I'm wondering about this, at least in a  
> mod_perl environment.

In a mod_perl environemnt, this _should_ be taken care of  
automatically. In a FastCGI environment, we can't do it this way or  
each new fastcgi that started would blow away the cache...right out  
from under the other processes.

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