[rt-users] RTx::Calendar 0.04

Nicolas Chuche nicolas.chuche at barna.be
Thu May 17 06:01:44 EDT 2007

> I was able to get this in place after I reset my umask to 022 and reinstalled
> the extension from source instead of CPAN

weird !

> I'm still not able to see the calendar though, on the RT at a glance page.  It
> still shows the error.  I also reinstalled DateTime::Set from source instead of
> via CPAN but it hasn't helped

Could you try two things :

% perl -MDateTime::Set -le 'print $DateTime::Set::VERSION'


% perl -MDateTime::Set -le 'my $rec = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence();'
Not enough arguments in from_recurrence() at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DateTime/Set.pm line 207.

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