[rt-users] changing logging in RT_SiteConfig.pm breaks things

Mathew Snyder theillien at yahoo.com
Thu May 24 04:25:11 EDT 2007

I've tried to set logging to a file in RT_SiteConfig.pm but whenever I restart
apache I get a 500 Internal Server Error.

Set($LogToSyslog    , 'debug');
Set($LogToScreen    , 'error');
Set($LogToFile      , undef);
Set($LogDir, '/usr/local/rt-3.6.1/var/log');
Set($LogToFileNamed , "rt.log");    #log to rt.log

I've even touched rt.log.  I'm not sure though who it should belong to.  I've
set it to root:rt3, apache:apache...nothing works.  What I've found though is
that changing Set($LogToFile      , undef); to anything other than undef is what
breaks it.  I'd like to set it to 'debug'.  How do I do this without breaking RT?

Keep up with me and what I'm up to: http://theillien.blogspot.com

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