[rt-users] Enhancements and workflows that we have added

Aaron Sallade asallade at PTSOWA.ORG
Tue Apr 1 14:47:21 EDT 2008

For the width of freetext boxes etc, as well as the height - 

Copy your/share/html/elements/EditCustomField to
local/html/elements/EditCustomField and add the following changes.

Put this after
$EditComponent = "EditCustomField$Type" unless

# My custom field formatting overlays===============
If ($Type eq "Text") {
	$Rows = 6;
	$Columns = 20;
} elsif ($Type eq "Wikitext") {
	$Rows = 8;
	$Columns = 15;
} elsif ($Type eq "Select") {
	$Rows = 1;
	$Columns = 10;

# CustomField id # 14 is the specific ID of a field that I want to have
unique display 
If (CustomField->Id == 14) {
	$Rows = 7;

# End of my overlay=================================

Aaron Sallade'
Application Manager
PTSO of Washington
"Shared Technology for Community Health"
(206) 613-8938 Desk
(206) 521-8833 Main
(206) 613-5078 Fax
asallade at ptsowa.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Crocker [mailto:KFCrocker at lbl.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 9:25 AM
To: Aaron Sallade
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Enhancements and workflows that we have added


	We are VERY interested in what you have developed. Whether or
not you 
post to the list, please send us what you have. It will be extremely 
appreciated. Also, do you have anything that increases the box size of a

free-test CF?. Thanks in advance.


On 3/31/2008 4:54 PM, Aaron Sallade wrote:
> Just in case these are of interest to anyone else-
> Added a scrip and template that adds a reply to a DependedOnBy Parent
> ticket when the child is resolved. Resolving a sub task (child) will
> a comment to the parent noting that the prerequisite is now complete,
> will also email the owner of the parent task.
> Set the Row count of custom fields by type and or customfield ID. In
> implementation, single select boxes have a row height of 1 (making
> a drop down box) and text areas have a row height of 6, and a specific
> multi select is set to 7 so that no scrolling is needed to view its
> options.
> Default values on custom fields. We modified the code so that the
> "description" field in the custom field admin screen is used for the
> default value of that custom field. This works regardless of the field
> type, so for text, select boxes etc. 
> Altered Priority and Aging. We modified aging so that it ages towards
> Starts instead of Due. We also made it so that priority will increase
> 1 for each day past the start date until it is resolved. Tickets with
> start date age with a priority increase of 1 per day.
> We modified the "Timeline" module to use Start Date and Due Date as
> opposed to Created and Resolved. This is more appropriate for project
> management. We also added more verbose titles to the timeline items,
> including ticket #'s. This creates a Project Management Gantt style
> chart off of any search results where the tickets have at least a
> Date.
> Most of these are mods/hacks to the source code that we overlayed in
> /local folder. If anyone is interested in the details I will post them
> to the list.
> -Aaron
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