[rt-users] RTAT Import?

Jean-Sebastien Morisset jsmoriss at mvlan.net
Wed Apr 30 13:51:39 EDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 01:06:55PM -0400, Matthew Keller wrote:
> If you look in the API documentation about setting a CF (the
> 'CustomField' object), it will show you where my oversimplification of
> $cf->Value=$thing was in err, and how to do it correctly.

Aha! Thanks! Ok, so far this seems to work well:


use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);

use RT;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;

use strict;

if (! $ARGV[0] || $ARGV[0] =~ /^--?h/) {
    print "Syntax: $0 {csvfile}\n";
    exit 0;

open(CSV, "< $ARGV[0]") or die "$!\n";

my $at = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);
my $line;

# customfield columns in csv file
my %cf_map = (
        'Client' => 4,
        'Location' => 5,
        'Manufacturer' => 6,
        'Model' => 7,
        'Serial Number' => 8,
        'OS Name' => 9,

while (<CSV>) {
        chomp; $line++;
        next if ($line == 1);   # Skip CSV Header
        s/^"//; s/"$//;
        my @csv = split(/"?,"?/);

        print $csv[0], ":\n";
        unless (my $id = $at->Load($csv[0])) {
                my ($id, $t, $msg) = $at->Create (
                        Name => $csv[0],
                        Status => $csv[1],
                        Type => $csv[2],
                        Description => $csv[3],
                print "\t$msg\n" if ($msg);

        my $atcf = $at->CustomFields();
        while (my $cf = $atcf->Next()) {
                # check to see if we have a CSV column for this customfield
                if (my $col = $cf_map{$cf->Name}) {
                        my ($status, $msg) = $at->AddCustomFieldValue(
                                Field => $cf->Id, Value => $csv[$col]);
                        print "\t$msg\n" if ($msg);

And for reference, here's the CSV file I'm using:


Column 5 (CLIENT) and up are all custom fields and must be defined in
the %cf_map hash. If anyone wants to make this a little more elegant,
feel free. :-)

Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Administrator <jsmoriss at mvlan.net>

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