[rt-users] Asset Tracker list in ticket custom field

Todd Chapman todd at chaka.net
Mon Jan 7 15:33:09 EST 2008

Keep in mind that the built in way creates links and you are talking about
using custom fields. Two very different things.

RT 3.6 has a callback that makes it easier to override how a custom field is
displayed in view and edit modes. What you want to do is make an "Enter
multiple values" CF but have it look like a pick list that is populated from
the asset list.


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On 1/7/08, Matt Gilstrap <mgilstrap at rw3.com> wrote:
>  I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to create a custom field
> in a ticket that lists all of the assets in Asset Tracker.  We would like to
> be able to track changes made to each server in the network and find it
> cumbersome to have to go to the asset first to create the ticket or to find
> the asset number and manually add "at://rw3.com/asset/11" to the refers to
> field.  Any ideas, workarounds, complaints, ridicule are much appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Matt
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