[rt-users] Self service and user preferences

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 22 14:37:30 EST 2008

On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 09:40:19PM +0200, GUBBELS Jac wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am implementing RT in a bilingual setting. The users of the self service are either Turkish or English speaking. I want these users to be able to choose their favorite language. Adding the 'ModifySelf' right to unpriviledged users only gives them the opportunity to change their password (something undesired actually in our situation). Do I overlook a user-right? Is there a simple hack to the ...RT.../SelfService/Prefs.html that will solve my problem? 
> Thanks a lot!
> -- Jac

One option is simply to let the user's browser determine it for you. If
the user has set a preference for languages in their browser's config RT
will just start with that.


> PS: Thanks also for the help on my previous request! Hopefully I will be able to contribute soon too!

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