[rt-users] User ID in a script?

John Arends jarends at uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 17 16:50:23 EDT 2008

I wrote a quick perl script that outputs a bunch of information about 
all the users in my RT instance. I noticed that the ID numbers are all 
over the place. One of my early users was created with an ID of 22, and 
then the next user has an ID of 29, and then the next one is somewhere 
in the mid 80s.

Does every object RT creates get a unique ID and when a user is created 
it just gets the next one?

In my perl script, I want to loop through all the users so I can print 
the infor for each one. Since this was a quick hack I just went through 
the numbers 1 through 1000. Is there something built in that allows me 
to do this in a more direct way? I don't want to loop until there is no 
data since it seems like the ID numbes are all over the place.


use warnings;
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/RT';
use RT::Interface::CLI;
use RT::Ticket;
use RT::User;


for ($count=1; $count<1000; $count++)
	my $user = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );

	$user->Load( $count );
	if ( $user->Name){
		print $user->RealName . " " . $user->Name . " " . $user->EmailAddress 
. " " . $user->id . " " . $user->Privileged ." \n";

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