[rt-users] ModifySelf can modify what things?

Carolyn Fairman cfairman at epgy.stanford.edu
Wed Nov 26 17:52:12 EST 2008

In our RT Privileged users have rights to ModifySelf via System groups  
permission for Privileged.    When a user goes to Preferences -> About  
me they can change everything on this page except for Organization,  
which is blank.  Can I set this globally and if not, how can I let  
users edit this?

I've set
Set($Organization , "Organization Name");
But that doesn't populate the field.  (Actually I have no idea what  
this does but it sounded useful to set.)

Is this something only the Admin users can do?  Since users can change  
everything else about that page, it is confusing that this one field  
is immutable.


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