[rt-users] character encoding issues after updating

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Oct 20 08:46:56 EDT 2008

On Sun 19.Oct'08 at 21:23:27 +0300, Jac Gubbels GUBBELS wrote:
>    Hi,
>    After having successfully implemented version 3.6.4 in our organization, I
>    have started an attempt at updating the installation to 3.8.1. It seems to
>    be successful, however I have one show stopping issue. When I look at the
>    tickets the Turkish characters we use have become corrupted. Here is what
>    I do in terms of upgrading the database:

There's an upgrade script one needs to run, documented in the UPGRADING
file. It's badly named (etc/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl), but you need it.

>    * I copy the database to a new one using phpmyadmin (I can run the new
>    version now! even without the db update, but with the character issues)
>    * I run the update script over the copy (from the temporary directory that
>    holds the 'upgrade' directory)
>    * I am using the copy for the new installation as I have to keep the
>    original database in one piece, it is live...
>    When I look at the fields in the database I see no differences between the
>    two ('fotokopi(C500) sarı ve mavi toner bitik!' remains 'fotokopi(C500)
>    sarı ve mavi toner bitik!' - apparently we need blue and yellow toner
>    for a printer ;-), so that makes me think something changed somewhere
>    else. 3.6.4 shows this ticket as it should, with a dotless i, 3.8.1 gives
>    'ı'
>    When I play with the character encoding using my browser I am not able to
>    get things to show up right.
>    Any suggestions would be great.
>    -- Jac
>    Istanbul, Turkey

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