[rt-users] RT requiring login for every click

Espen Wiborg espen.wiborg at telio.no
Mon Sep 1 05:46:11 EDT 2008

Chris Searle <chris+lists at chrissearle.org> writes:
>> there are some DB maintenance scripts you need to run.  read the
>> install README file.  this happened to me, too :)
> Do you recall which ones?
> After running make upgrade from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1 I ran
> /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password
> --
> action upgrade
> And when asked - entered 3.8.0 as the version being upgraded from.
> However - I'm still getting asked to login for most clicks.
> I'm a little confused as to what maintenance script didn't get run here.

Output of

show create table sessions;


Espen Wiborg <espen.wiborg at telio.no>
Compared to system administration, being cursed forever is a step up.
                                        - Paul Tomko in the Monastery

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