[rt-users] $self->SUPER::SetPassword() returns "0, Nonexistant field?" in User_Overlay.pm

Ole Craig ocraig at stillsecure.com
Fri Sep 5 21:46:56 EDT 2008

(rt 3.8.1rc5)

I've got some custom functionality in a User_Local.pm file, trying to
call the SetPassword method from lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm. This method
always returns ("0", "Nonexistant field?") when trying to get results
from a call to the method it's overriding; the call is around line 893
in User_Overlay.pm, in this block:

my $new = !$self->HasPassword;
$password = $self->_GeneratePassword($password);
my ( $val, $msg ) = $self->SUPER::SetPassword($password);
if ($val) {
    return ( 1, $self->loc("Password set") ) if $new;
    return ( 1, $self->loc("Password changed") );
else {
    return ( $val, $msg );

@ISA at this point only contains RT::Record, which doesn't have an
explicit SetPassword method but is (probably not coincidentally) the
only place in the RT tree where I can find the string "Nonexistant
field?". Obviously Set* is defined in here, but this level of
indirection is beyond my extremely limited ooperl-fu. Can someone tell
me what field is nonexistant[sic] here, and why, and what I can do to


/Ole Craig
Security Engineer
Team lead, customer support

ocraig at stillsecure.com
303-381-3802 main support line
303-381-3824 my voicemail
303-381-3880 fax


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