[rt-users] Searching on status of depedencies?

Todd L Miller tlmiller at cs.wisc.edu
Mon Sep 8 12:29:48 EDT 2008

 	I'm using RT to do ticket-tracking for software development.  I 
would like to use RT to the answer the question "What can I work on now?". 
I'd been using a search that checked for existing dependencies, but RT 
doesn't appear to distinguish between resovled and unresolved 
dependencies.  I saw some 'scrips' online that could work around this 
using the 'stalled' status, but they were incomplete (a ticket needs to 
become stalled if it gains a dependency), and it's not clear that it's a 
good idea to run them for everybody else (using the same RT installation 
for normal ticket tracking), or if it's possible to restrict them to a 
particular queue.  I also saw a suggestion about a "custom search module." 
I rather suspect this is what I actually want to do -- add 
"UnresolvedDependencies" to ticket SQL -- but I can't find documentation 
on it anywhere.  Do I need to buy the book?  Thanks.

- Todd Miller

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