[rt-users] Some users are losing their rights every night

Nathan Hurt nhurt at barracuda.com
Mon Aug 17 13:02:47 EDT 2009

HI All,

I am new to administrating RT and I am not sure where to begin troubleshooting this problem. I have looked at the Wiki and have looked through the archived rt-users thread. I am currently using RT 3.8.2 on an Ubuntu server.

Users have been granted rights through group membership and then that group is assigned to a particular queue or queues. I have confirmed that the users have been explicitly "granted rights" and allowed to "Access RT" in their user profiles. When they are initially granted rights, they have access to exactly what I have set for them. They can access queues, see tickets, comment, move tickets from queue to queue, and so on. The users leave for the day and attempt to log on the next day only to find out they do not have the correct permissions any longer. Their interface appears as if they are a user without rights.

This does not seem to affect all users and it has never affected a SuperUser. When checking the user's profile I find that both the "rights" and "access RT" check boxes are both still checked. Also, the user still has all their normal group memberships. I do not see any reason why they should be seeing the "new user" screen. The workaround for me has been to uncheck the "rights" checkbox, save changes, re-check the "rights", and then save changes again. If the user logs out and back in, they will have the correct rights. Unfortunately, I find they will "lose" their rights within a day (sometimes this happens within one eight hour shift). I have been unable to narrow down the cause of this issue beyond what I have described.

Out of about 100 users, I have had 4 users report this issue. Two users have this happen repeatedly and it is reported nearly every day. This is probably more widespread than I know (some users access RT every day, all day and some almost never).

Please let me know if anyone has an idea of where to start looking for the problem or if more information is needed.

Thank you,

Nathan Hurt
Barracuda Networks

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