[rt-users] Strange things with RT 3.8.2 Approval system

L B bertignac at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 05:20:41 EST 2009


I have a problem with the approval system in RT 3.8.2. I want tickets
to get approved by two users.

This is exactly what I did :
- Default installation of RT 3.8.2
- Creation of two users, USER1 and USER2, privileged.
- New group with these two users MYPROJECT_APPROVERS
- Creation of a queue MYPROJECT_APPROVAL
  -> with a new template : approval_template (from Wiki/Oreilly book)

## BEGIN #############################################################################
===Create-Ticket: approval_MYPROJECT_1
Subject: Approval for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: TOP
Queue:  ___Approvals
Owner: USER1
Type: approval
Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve
it, so they can finish their work

===Create-Ticket: approval_MY_PROJECT_2
Subject: Approval for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: TOP
Queue:  ___Approvals
Owner: USER2
Type: approval
Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve
it, so they can finish their work
## END #############################################################################

 -> with a new scrip : approval_scrip
## BEGIN #############################################################################
Condition : On Create
Action : Create Tickets
Template : approval_template
Stage : TransactionCreate
## END #############################################################################

- Enable ___Approval queue
- Add rights OwnTicket and ShowTicket on ___Approval queue for
- Add rights CreateTicket,ReplyToTicket,SeeQueue,ShowTicket on

This is the behaviour of this configuration :

- when user "root" (for instance) creates a ticket in
MYPROJECT_APPROVAL queue, a ticket is created with two tickets in the
"Depends on" section. One belongs to USER1, the other one to USER2.
Each user receives an email with this content :

## BEGIN #############################################################################

There is a new item pending your approval: "Approval for test12",
a summary of which appears below.

Please visit http://xxxxx.xx.com/Approvals/Display.html?id=31
to approve or reject this ticket, or http://xxxxx.xx.com/Approvals/ to
batch-process all your pending approvals.

Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve it, so
they can finish their work
## END #############################################################################

- if one of the user logs in in the interface, he sees the ticket to
be approved in the approval section, no problem. Let's says he
approves it. The requestor (only) receives this email :
## BEGIN #############################################################################

Your ticket has been approved by USER1.
Other approvals may be pending.

Approver's notes: Ok for USER1
## END #############################################################################

- the other user logs in and approves the ticket and the requestor
receives this email :

## BEGIN #############################################################################

Your ticket has been approved by USER2.
Its Owner may now start to act on it.

Approver's notes: OK for USER2
## END #############################################################################

Remarks at the end of this scenario:
- I think the other approvers should receive a notification that the
ticket has been approved by one of them : do I have to add the
MYPROJECT_APPROVERS as admincc of the queue ? If I do this, standard
scrip will be applied, should I remove some of them ?
- The two emails are not exactly the same : one saying other approvals
may be pending, the other saying all of them are approved: how can I
send an email when the request is partially approved, and another
email once all the approvals are done ? For example, emails "Approved
by USER1", "Approved by USER2", "Approved by all the approvers"
- There is a comment in the email content saying "a summary of which
appears below." which is false. How can make it true ?


- If the first user rejects the email, the requestor receives this :
## BEGIN #############################################################################

Your ticket has been rejected by USER1.

Approver's notes:
## END #############################################################################

- The ticket is switched from open to rejected.

- The second user, who sees it has been rejected but still see it in
his approval section, can approve it. The requestor receives this
email :
## BEGIN #############################################################################

Your ticket has been approved by USER2.
Its Owner may now start to act on it.

Approver's notes: yes
## END #############################################################################

- And the ticket switches back from rejected to open.

Remarks at the end of this scenario :
- Why is the comment of the USER1 rejecting the ticket is missing ?
USER1 did a comment in the web interface but it doesn't appear neither
in the email nor in the web ticket log.
- IMO, it shouldn't be possible to approve a ticket once it has been
rejected by one of the approvers. Moreover, there is in the email "Its
Owner may now start to act on it." which is not true.

Maybe these problems are related to my configuration, so is my
configuration correct ? Do I use the approval system how it's designed
to be used ?


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