[rt-users] Users

Kenneth Crocker KFCrocker at lbl.gov
Fri Feb 20 14:41:43 EST 2009


	Users are everywhere. Not only are they related to Principals, they are 
also related to ACL (if they have any rights), To GROUPS, GROUPMEMBERS, 
your RT installation allows Users to be added when they create a ticket 
via Email. Let's also say that you have set privileges to allow ALL 
Requestors some rights. Now an EMail is sent to RT. The result will be 
as follows:

	1) USER record for this person.
	2) PRINCIPAL record for this person.
	3) GROUP record for the "User-Equiv" record for this User.
	4) GROUPMEMBER for this User (as a Requestor) and this will repeat for 
all ticket this person has requested. There will also be records for 
everygroup this User is in, like "Everyone" and "
	5) CACHEDGROUPMEMBER record for each ticket and group.
	6) TICKET record will have the User if they end up as an owner.
	7) TRANSACTION record will exist for the initial Email that was sent 
listing the User as the "CREATOR".
	8) ATTACHMENTS record will exist for the User as the "CREATOR" for any 
attachments that came with the Email.
	9) ATTRIBUTES record will also exist if this User has the rights to 
create Queries and does and saves them. OR if this User uses the WebUI 
and sets up one of the default queries in  their home page. An ATTRIBUTE 
record will exist for each query.

	So, as you can see, the User can exist all over the place.
	As to your second question, I would go in as the "SuperUSer" and 
navigate thus Configuration->Users and find this user and make sure the 
two boxes at the bottom are checked. This will give the User the ability 
to acces the system AND have privileges granted. From that point, I 
would put the User in a group with other User that need the same 
privileges so you won't have to maintain rights on an individual basis, 
which is a LOT of work.

	Hope this helps.


On 2/20/2009 8:39 AM, Alberto Villanueva wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two questions:
> 1.- The “users” table is related to…… what tables??
> 2.- I created a user within rt tool (command line), but the user cannot 
> authenticate via web interface. The question is: what is the attribute 
> that it would permit to do that within rt tool (command line)??
> thanks!
> Regards,
> Consultor
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