[rt-users] Trying to track a bug with WYSIWYG editor, IE7 and RTx-EmailCompletion

jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com
Wed Feb 25 13:57:52 EST 2009

For what it's worth, an end-user of mine noticed the same thing today...
He's also using IE 7.

James Moseley

             "Michael Finn"                                                
             <mfinn at nbutexas.c                                             
             om>                                                        To 
             Sent by:                  "Alex Young"                        
             rt-users-bounces@         <alexyoung at scoutsolutions.co.uk>,   
             lists.bestpractic         <rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com>  
             al.com                                                     cc 
             02/25/2009 12:26          Re: [rt-users] Trying to track a    
             PM                        bug with WYSIWYG editor,      IE7   
                                       and RTx-EmailCompletion             


I've observed the same kind of behavior when I use the "New ticket in"
button at the top, but not when I enter a comment or reply.  Additionally,
my text is truncated at 55 characters.  I'm having this issue in IE7, but
not Firefox 3.  I don't get JavaScript errors in either browser.

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