[rt-users] Calling Beta Testers! - RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.08_01

Mike Peachey mike.peachey at jennic.com
Tue Jan 20 16:30:28 EST 2009

Hi all,

I'm very pleased to announce a new version of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth.

The most astute of you will notice that 0.07_01 never made it to a
stable release. The reason for this is that it was a release to get LDAP
functionality for those who really needed it in RT-3.8 as soon as
possible. It quickly became apparent that to produce a full stable
module, further design changes would be necessary and so I present to
you v0.08_01.

I intend for 0.08_01 to become a stable release of version 0.08 before
the end of next week, but I need your help to make sure it is as perfect
as possible before I do. So please test the hell out of it and let me
know what you find. As soon as 0.08 is released, 0.07_01 will be
considered deprecated and unsupported.

The ChangeLog should answer any questions you have about changes since
0.07_01, but to summarise:

1. Structural Redesign.
2. Integration of RT::Authen::CookieAuth for Single Sign-On (SSO) Cookie
Authentication against a DBI back-end.
3. Change to allow use of LDAP server root as base dn.
4. Deprecation of 'auth' and 'info' per-config settings.
5. Extra sanity checking of configuration and minor bugfixes.

v0.08_01 has been uploaded to CPAN, however as propagation will take
time, you will also find it attached to this e-mail.
Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England
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