[rt-users] RT Slow Ticket Updates

Joop JoopvandeWege at mococo.nl
Wed Jul 1 03:02:56 EDT 2009

Varun Vyas wrote:
> Hello All
> In my RT application my creating, updating and closing of tickets are 
> very slow and takes almost 20 sec to insert a ticket and nearly 35 
> seconds to update a ticket. We have applied many changes on our database 
> side and application side too. But still our RT application is not 
> stabilized. We have oracle 9i as our database with indexing enabled and 
> we also have implemented COMPUTE stats gathering and apart from that we 
> have also tried to trace SQL for finding the cause that which queries 
> are taking long time. But still we are not able to find the cause of 
> sluggishness. And i need to know if anyone has faced such kind of 
> performance problem before and if yes then where should i look for 
> improving my performance. And make RT more responsive.
We skipped Oracle9i as a production platform and went from 8i to 10g. We 
had a few customers who ran 9i but can't say if they had performance 
problems which were related to 9i specifically. As already suggested you 
can turn on sqltracing in the DBD and/or DBI layer. Check the 
documentation of DBI and DBD(::Oracle).  Further you could use the info 
inside the SGA to findout which queries are running real slow by either 
using Statspack of EnterpriseManager.

As a last resort you could install an instance of OracleXE, which in 
essence is Oracle10g, and see what kind of performance you get with 
that. Keep in mind though that XE has a few limitations on database size.

What I and probably the rest of the list would like to know is what is 
your hardware config and what is your software config, OS/perl versions etc.
It could be that someone knows that your config combinations is 
problematic, now we're all shooting in the dark hoping to hit the magic 



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