[rt-users] Can't call method "Content" on an undefined value at rt38/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 105

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 14 20:16:05 EDT 2009

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 05:09:11PM -0700, Tim Gustafson wrote:
> > Look for an Attribute named HomepageSettings and find out why it
> > isn't loading
> Thanks, I think that's what I'm missing.
> I don't have that row in my attributes table.  I looked in the
> initial load script and it seems that the data gets somehow
> bae64-encoded in that database.  Can anyone provide the base64 data
> for a "Default" installation for me?

It sounds like you didn't run all the database upgrade scripts, so I'd
start there and figure out what else was missed.


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