[rt-users] Send email from script

Gene LeDuc gleduc at mail.sdsu.edu
Tue Jul 21 14:02:18 EDT 2009

Hi Tariq,

The obvious answer: You select one of the Notify actions that generate 
e-mail and use a template to design the e-mail.

But you probably would've figured that out for yourself.

If you are asking how to send an e-mail from a scrip with a user-defined 
action, I don't think you can.  I get around this shortcoming by 
generating some other transaction in the script code and then use that 
transaction to trigger a scrip that does the Notify action.  Convoluted, 
but it works.

We don't use the Priority field in our tickets, so I use it to trigger 
stuff like that.

Have fun!

Tariq Doukkali wrote:
> Hello,
> how can I send an email from a script ???
> Many thanks

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