[rt-users] Mason Cannot resolve file to component

Behzad Mahini mahini at apple.com
Wed Nov 4 21:39:44 EST 2009

I have already installed RT 3.8.4 , and it works fine (on a test  
server). However, in the process of installing RT 3.8.4 on a new  
server (production), RT's UI fails to launch (404 Not Found). I am  
getting the following error message in my Apache error_log file (my  
Prod server):

"[warning]: [Mason] Cannot resolve file to component: /ngs/app/rt/ 
oppresso/rt-3.8.4/share/html/index.html (is file outside component  
root?) at /Library/Perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 852. (/ 

I have exhausted all possibilities of finding any differences in  
between the 2 servers, by comparing the config settings in between the  
2 servers (i.e., httpd.conf, Rt_SiteConfig.pm), and they are  
identical.  I would appreciate any help.

My settings are as follows:

Mac OSX 10.5.8
RT 3.8.4
mysql-5.1.40		(<== on my Prod. server; and 5.1.37 on my Test server)

My httpd.conf attributes that are relevant to both the 2 servers (and  
are similar):

<VirtualHost my_ip_addr:80>

         ServerName <<myhost.xx.com>>

         DocumentRoot "/ngs/app/rt/oppresso/rt-3.8.4/share/html/"

         Alias /NoAuth/images/   /ngs/app/rt/oppresso/rt-3.8.4/share/ 
         PerlModule      Apache::DBI
         PerlModule      Apache2::compat
         PerlSetVar      MasonArgsMethod CGI
         PerlRequire     /ngs/app/rt/oppresso/rt-3.8.4/bin/webmux.pl

         <Directory /ngs/app/rt/oppresso/rt-3.8.4/share/html/>
                 AllowOverride All
                 Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowsymLinks
                 Order allow,deny
                 Allow from all

         <Location       />
                 RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ $1/index.html
                 AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
                 SetHandler perl-script
                 PerlHandler RT::Mason

Additionally, Apache's error_log for both the 2 servers indicate that  
Mod_perl 2.0.4 is being used.


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