[rt-users] lighttpd + FastCGI + RT - Broken CSS / Menu Items Dont Work
Maxwell Rathbone
mrathbone at sagonet.com
Wed Nov 18 20:19:06 EST 2009
Once again it appears I've run into a snag. I'm running lighttpd with RT
on CentOS 5.4. This is my first attempt at trying to get RT to run under
lighttpd with FastCGI. When I open the RT URL in my browser, everything
is flush left and the only image shown anywhere on the page is the best
practical logo. There are no colors on the page at all aside from the
links themselves. My first thought was that there must be a missing CSS
file. So I first hunted through the access.log for lighttpd only to find
a status code 200 on everything. This implies the web server was able to
provide my browser all files.
I next logged into the interface, and was presented with what appears to
be the dashboard, and logged in user menu. Again, no colors, no
formatting on the page. Appears as if some CSS file somewhere is
missing. I discovered that none of the menu items(Simple Search,
Tickets, Tools, Configuration, Preferences, etc) work. When I click
them, the URL changes, however I continue to only be shown the homepage
in my browser.
I double checked all the examples I could find online and my
lighttpd.conf appears to be correct. I feel I'm at a loss here. If
anyone can provide some help on this one, I'd appreciate it.
The best that I seem to be able to determine is that it's probably
something wrong in the lighttpd's mod_rewrite configuration as it seems
to be redirecting what should be static URL's to the homepage.
Here is my lighttpd.conf file:
server.modules = (
# "mod_rrdtool",
"mod_accesslog" )
server.document-root = "/srv/www/lighttpd/"
server.errorlog = "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log"
index-file.names = ( "index.php", "index.html",
"index.htm", "default.htm" )
mimetype.assign = (
".rpm" => "application/x-rpm",
".pdf" => "application/pdf",
".sig" => "application/pgp-signature",
".spl" => "application/futuresplash",
".class" => "application/octet-stream",
".ps" => "application/postscript",
".torrent" => "application/x-bittorrent",
".dvi" => "application/x-dvi",
".gz" => "application/x-gzip",
".pac" => "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig",
".swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash",
".tar.gz" => "application/x-tgz",
".tgz" => "application/x-tgz",
".tar" => "application/x-tar",
".zip" => "application/zip",
".mp3" => "audio/mpeg",
".m3u" => "audio/x-mpegurl",
".wma" => "audio/x-ms-wma",
".wax" => "audio/x-ms-wax",
".ogg" => "application/ogg",
".wav" => "audio/x-wav",
".gif" => "image/gif",
".jar" => "application/x-java-archive",
".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
".jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
".png" => "image/png",
".xbm" => "image/x-xbitmap",
".xpm" => "image/x-xpixmap",
".xwd" => "image/x-xwindowdump",
".css" => "text/css",
".html" => "text/html",
".htm" => "text/html",
".js" => "text/javascript",
".asc" => "text/plain",
".c" => "text/plain",
".cpp" => "text/plain",
".log" => "text/plain",
".conf" => "text/plain",
".text" => "text/plain",
".txt" => "text/plain",
".dtd" => "text/xml",
".xml" => "text/xml",
".mpeg" => "video/mpeg",
".mpg" => "video/mpeg",
".mov" => "video/quicktime",
".qt" => "video/quicktime",
".avi" => "video/x-msvideo",
".asf" => "video/x-ms-asf",
".asx" => "video/x-ms-asf",
".wmv" => "video/x-ms-wmv",
".bz2" => "application/x-bzip",
".tbz" => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",
".tar.bz2" => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",
# default mime type
"" => "application/octet-stream",
accesslog.filename = "/var/log/lighttpd/access.log"
url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc" )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "\.pdf$" {
server.range-requests = "disable"
static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php", ".pl", ".fcgi" )
server.pid-file = "/var/run/lighttpd.pid"
server.username = "lighttpd"
server.groupname = "lighttpd"
$HTTP["host"] =~ "rt.sagonet.com" {
# Specify the documentroot
server.document-root = "/opt/rt3/share/html"
# Map appropriate files and extensions
fastcgi.map-extensions = ( ".css" => ".html", ".js" => ".html", "/" =>
".html", "mail-gateway" => ".html", "Search/Chart" => ".html",
"Search/Results.rdf" => ".html", "Search/Results.tsv" => ".html" )
# Set Lighttpd to check for an index.html file for each directory
index-file.names = ( "index.html" )
# Disallow access to .mhtml files
url.access-deny = ( ".mhtml" )
setenv.add-environment = (
"SCRIPT_NAME" => "/",
# Set up an alias for the /NoAuth/images location
url.rewrite-once = (
"^/(?!NoAuth/images/)(.*)" => "/$1",
"^(.*)/Ticket/Attachment/(.*)" => "/$1/Ticket/Attachment/$2/"
# Set up FastCGI handler
fastcgi.server = ( ".html" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/request-tracker.socket",
"check-local" => "disable",
"bin-path" => "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi",
"min-procs" => 2,
"max-procs" => 2
thank you
Max Rathbone
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