[rt-users] Search results anomaly

Kenneth Marshall ktm at rice.edu
Mon Apr 26 16:52:10 EDT 2010


Are you using the Full-text index support from the wiki?
There were some index bugs that may require you to re-index
to fix, specifically some rows were not reported correctly
as valid matches. I believe that the PostgreSQL release
notes mentioned that need. Maybe that is your problem. We
are using RT-3.8.5 and PostgreSQL 8.4.2 here with the full-text
support without an issue.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 03:00:39PM -0400, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> On 4/26/2010 2:19 PM, Kenneth Marshall wrote:
>> Well, that knocks out the ACL issue. Do you think that your
>> Mason cache is confused? Maybe stop RT, clear the cache, and
>> restart RT to see if that helps. What DB backend are you using
>> and which version of RT are you running?
> RT 3.8.7
> PostgreSQL as it comes with RHELv5 + updates from yum
> Clearing the Mason cache didn't help :|
>> Cheers,
>> Ken
>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:47:22PM -0400, Jeff Blaine wrote:
>>> On 4/26/2010 12:29 PM, Raed El-Hames wrote:
>>>> Jeff;
>>>> Does your CLI user have permissions on the queue that ticket 39 is in??
>>>> login to the web interface with the same cli user and see if you can
>>>> view the ticket.
>>> Yes, it does.
>>> Again, however, this is not really a report about an anomaly in
>>> the RT CLI.
>>> The incorrect search results are returned via a web GUI search
>>> of "Content matches foo.com"
>>> Here, maybe this makes it more clear, showing the same problem
>>> when using the RT CLI:
>>> [root at rtsrv1 etc]# /apps/rt/bin/rt list "Content like foo.com"
>>> Query:Content like 'foo.com'
>>> Ticket Owner Queue    Age   Told Status Requestor Subject
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      23   mbs Incid   1 wk        resolv enVision@ alert -NICAlert-Secur
>>> [root at rtsrv1 etc]#
>>> [root at rtsrv1 etc]# /apps/rt/bin/rt show 39 | grep foo.com
>>> foo.com blah blah... 1 line... not including in this email
>>> [root at rtsrv1 etc]#
>>> [root at rtsrv1 etc]# /apps/rt/bin/rt show 23 | grep foo.com
>>> foo.com blah blah... not including in this email
>>> foo.com matching lines 66 more times... not including in this email
>>> [root at rtsrv1 etc]#
>>>> Regards;
>>>> Roy
>>>> Jeff Blaine wrote:
>>>>> On 4/26/2010 11:50 AM, Kenneth Marshall wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>>>> There is nothing here that indicates a problem. It looks
>>>>>> like an apples vs. oranges comparison by the time you include
>>>>>> the actual parameters of the search from the web interface
>>>>>> and the rt commandline interface and possible privilege and
>>>>>> ACL differences. You can use DB query logging to figure out
>>>>> I think my original post is being misinterpreted. The 'rt'
>>>>> CLI commands aren't doing a search. They're just showing
>>>>> this list's readers that 'foo.com' does show up in each of
>>>>> the tickets when doing a simple 'rt show<ticket>'. It's
>>>>> not a comparison of "CLI search vs. web search".
>>>>>> what SQL is being used in the web search or the commandline
>>>>>> rt and compare the output piece-wise to put yourself at ease.
>>>>>> Maybe look at the individual components of each of the two
>>>>>> tickets, as well.
>>>>> When viewing the tickets using 'Full headers" and then
>>>>> "Ctrl-F" to examine every instance of 'foo.com' in each ticket
>>>>> shows that both tickets have the 'foo.com' in text/html parts
>>>>> (and only there).
>>>>> Ticket 23 has 67 of those parts and is returned when RT searching
>>>>> for 'foo.com'
>>>>> Ticket 39 has 1 of those parts and is not returned when RT searching
>>>>> for 'foo.com'
>>>>> By "DB query logging" do you mean Set($StatementLog, "DEBUG");
>>>>> or something?
>>>>> Thanks for the reply, Ken
>>>>> Jeff
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:21:45AM -0400, Jeff Blaine wrote:
>>>>>>> Does anyone have any suggestions for how to go about
>>>>>>> figuring out what is wrong here?
>>>>>>> On 4/22/2010 2:09 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
>>>>>>>> RT 3.8.7
>>>>>>>> A search for 'Content matches foo.com' is returning some tickets
>>>>>>>> and missing others that clearly have foo.com in the Content.
>>>>>>>>> [root at rtsrv1 bin]# ./rt show 39 | grep foo.com | wc -l
>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>> [root at rtsrv1 bin]#
>>>>>>>>> [root at rtsrv1 bin]# ./rt show 23 | grep foo.com | wc -l
>>>>>>>>> 67
>>>>>>>>> [root at rtsrv1 bin]#
>>>>>>>> 23 shows up in the web search results.
>>>>>>>> 39 does not.
>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
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>>>>>>>> Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com
>>>>>>> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
>>>>>>> Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com
>>>>> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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