[rt-users] On correspond send mail to requestor only if explicitly selected

Martin Drasar drasar at ics.muni.cz
Fri Apr 30 05:10:32 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding ticket handling workflow. The situation
should be as follows:

1) Someone reports a security incident by sending an email to RT.
2) Autoreply confirming that the incident is accepted is sent to the
3) The responsible person/administrator is contacted and the security
incident is taken care of. Correspondence flows between the security
team and responsible person/administrator only and is archived inside
RT. Other people can also join the conversation.
4) If it is necessary to contact the requestor for more details, mail is
sent to them. Responsible person/admin sees this correspondence.
5) Once the security incident is resolved, the requestor receives an
informational email.

I have a hard time finding how to do this. I have come up with a
solution, that makes it easy except for the point 4).

The idea is to add responisble person/administrator as a Cc, disable the
'On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs' and have only 'On Correspond
Notify Ccs'.
This way the correspondence is kept away from requestor that does not
need to know details and other people may join the conversation, because
there is also a scrip that adds Ccs from mail as Ticket Ccs.

Problem raises when I want to send an email to the requestor in the
meantime (not autoreply On Create and message On Resolve). I could have
a scrip 'On Correspond Notify Requestor' and then disable the requestor
from receiving the mail, anytime the correspondence is sent from RT, but
that would be very prone to mistakes and accidental sendings of an email.

I need it to work in the other way - exclude requestor from recieving
notification unless explicitly allowed. Is there a way to do it?

For this purpose the section 'Will not sent mail to' (I hope it is
correct translation - I have czech version) in the Ticket update page
seems like a best place. But I do not have an idea how to get the
requestor mail there. The section above has any allowed scrips with On
Correspond condition. But this one? I don't know...

Thank you for reading this and for eventual help.


Mgr. Martin Drasar                                   drasar at ics.muni.cz
Network Security Department                         http://ics.muni.cz/
CSIRT-MU                                       http://www.muni.cz/csirt
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
                       PGP Key ID: 0x944BC925

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