[rt-users] RT 3.8 Active Directory integration and single sign-on

Mike Johnson mike.johnson at nosm.ca
Thu Aug 5 08:51:28 EDT 2010

b) should be done easily using ExternalAuth.  when I say easily, I mean, as
soon as you get ExternalAuth working, b is done.... but it did take me
almost a week to figure out my issues(a spelling mistake in the config file

a) sounds like you want ExternalAuth with AutoCreate Privleged=>0 set, but
you'd also need to tweak the RT system.

The problem with just doing the above, if someone has already sent an email
to your system prior to attempting to login, their email address generates a
user in RT.  That user has username = email address, as well as email
address filled out too.  Then when they go to login, ExternalAuth pulls the
user's email address from LDAP and attempts to create the user with that
email address, however that email address already exists on the autocreated
user from the email they sent in.. so the create user fails.

Ken Marshall shared something on the listserv of a way to fix this, but I
haven't got it working yet(I'm new to perl, still learning)

He edited the spot in RT that runs everytime an email address is found.
>From reading the code, I believe his changes makes the
CanonicalizeEmailAddress subroutine connect to your LDAP and pull the LDAP
info in (as defined in ExternalAuth's config) instead of just creating a
user using the email address alone.

What I mean is, RT out of the box, when an email comes in, the unedited
CanonicalizeEmailAddress sub does pretty much nothing but a word
substitution(based on a config file setting), but Ken's version actually
connects to LDAP and pulls the real name, the username, etc.

The way Ken explained it to me, it should not only fix old accounts that
already exist, but ensure all new accounts work correctly as well.

Below is the code, also search the listserv for my post about workarounds
while waiting for ExternalAuth 0.09.

Good luck!
***Ken's code below***

sub CanonicalizeEmailAddress {
   my $self = shift;
   my $email = shift;
   # Leave some addresses intact
   if ( $email =~ /[\w-]+\@mysafe1.rice.edu$/ ) {
       return ($email);
   if ( $email =~ /[\w-]+\@mysafe2.rice.edu$/ ) {
       return ($email);
   # Example: the following rule would treat all email
   # coming from a subdomain as coming from second level domain
   # foo.com
   if ( my $match   = RT->Config->Get('CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch') and
        my $replace = RT->Config->Get('CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace') )
       $email =~ s/$match/$replace/gi;
   $email .= '@rice.edu' if ($email =~ /^[\w-]+$/);
   # Now we should have an Email address that is of the form addr at rice.edu
   # Use LDAP to map this to the primary vanity Email alias.
   my $params = ( Name => undef,
                  EmailAddress => undef);
   my $ldap = new Net::LDAP($RT::LdapServer)
     or $RT::Logger->critical("CanonicalizeEmailAddress: Cannot connect to
       return ($email);
   my $mesg = $ldap->bind();
   if ($mesg->code != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
     $RT::Logger->critical("CanonicalizeEmailAddress: Unable to bind to
$RT::LdapServer: ",
       ldap_error_name($mesg->code), "\n");
     return ($email);
   # First check to see if the E-mail address uniquely characterizes the
   # user. If so, update the information with the LDAP query results.
   my $filter = "(mailAlternateAddress=$email)";
   $mesg = $ldap->search(base   => $RT::LdapBase,
                         filter => $filter,
                         attrs  => [ $RT::LdapMailAttr ]);
   if ($mesg->code != LDAP_SUCCESS and $mesg->code != LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS)
     $RT::Logger->critical("Unable to search in LDAP: ",
ldap_error_name($mesg->code), "\n");
     return ($email);
   # The search succeeded with just one match
   if ($mesg->count == 1) {
     $email = ($mesg->first_entry->get_value($RT::LdapMailAttr))[0];
   $mesg = $ldap->unbind();
   if ($mesg->code != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
     $RT::Logger->critical("Could not unbind from LDAP: ",
ldap_error_name($mesg->code), "\n");
   undef $ldap;
   undef $mesg;
   return ($email);

You will also need these somewhere ahead of there use:
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Util qw (ldap_error_name);
use Net::LDAP::Filter;
We have them at the top under "use strict".

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:58 PM, Eugene M. Evans <EMEvans at heapy.com> wrote:

>  I am trying to accomplish two things:
> First, to integrate RT with Active Directory such that an RT user account
> will automatically be created in either of the following cases.
>    a) when a user first submits a ticket request via email, and
>    b) when a user first logs in via the RT web interface
> Secondly, Single sign-on, such that once an RT account has been created an
> MS-Windows user will not need to enter their password on subsequent visits
> to the RT web interface.
> I've started by attempting to implement the Auth::ExternalAuth extension
> but have been unable to get it working.  I cannot log into the RT web
> interface using any account except the root account that has already been
> created within RT.  Once in RT as root, I am unable to create a new user.  I
> get the error "*User could not be created:  Could not set user info*."
> I've tried the solution mentioned in this thread  -->
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/94218 to get RT to
> auto-create users, but to no avail.
> Note that when I uncomment the statement "Set($WebExternalAuto,1);" and
> restart apache the RT login screen provides no login box in which to enter a
> username or a password.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Below is my RT configuration.
> #Begin /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm tail
> ...
> # The following two statements support single sign-on.
> # but I have commented them out for now since they are
> # said to conflict with the ExternalAuth extension.
> # See http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ExternalAuth.
> # Tell RT to trust the webserver to handle authentication.
> # Set($WebExternalAuth, 3);
> # If the webserver hands RT a user RT is not
> # familiar with, RT should just go ahead and
> # create an account.
> # Set($WebExternalAuto, 1);
> ...
> # Include the configuration for the ExternalAuth extension.
> require
> "/opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm";
> Set($AutoCreate,{Privileged => 0});
> 1;
> #End /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> #Begin /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> in its entirety.
> Set($ExternalAuthPriority,           [ 'Heapy_AD_LDAP' ] );
> Set($ExternalInfoPriority,           [ 'Heapy_AD_LDAP' ] );
> Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS,    0);
> Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers,     0);
> Set($ExternalSettings,      {
>                      'Heapy_AD_LDAP'               =>  {
>                      'type'                  =>  'ldap',
>                      'server'                =>
> 'serverxyz.domain.domainSuffix',
>                      'user'                  =>  'cn=ldap,ou=Services,dc=
> domain,dc=domainSuffix',
>                      'pass'                  =>  'the_ldap_password',
>                      'base'                  =>  'dc=domain,dc=
> domainSuffix',
>                      'filter'                =>
> '(&(ObjectCategory=User)(ObjectClass=Person))',
>                      'd_filter'              =>
> '(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)',
> #                     'tls'                   =>  0,
> #                    'ssl_version'           =>  3,
>                      'net_ldap_args'         => [    version =>
> 3           ],
>                      'group'                 =>  'cn=group,ou=Services,dc=
> domain,dc=domainSuffix',
>                      'group_attr'            =>  'member',
>                      'attr_match_list'       => [   'Name',
> 'EmailAddress'   ],
>                      'attr_map'              => {   'Name' =>
> 'sAMAccountName',
>                                                     'EmailAddress' =>
> 'mail',
>                                                     'Organization' =>
> 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
>                                                     'RealName' => 'cn',
>                                                     'ExternalAuthId' =>
> 'sAMAccountName',
>                                                     'Gecos' =>
> 'sAMAccountName',
>                                                     'WorkPhone' =>
> 'telephoneNumber',
>                                                     'Address1' =>
> 'streetAddress',
>                                                     'City' => 'l',
>                                                     'State' => 'st',
>                                                     'Zip' => 'postalCode',
>                                                     'Country' => 'co'
>                                                 }
>                                                 }
>                             }
> );
> Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth));
> 1;
> #End /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
> Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Mike Johnson
Datatel Programmer/Analyst
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON   P7B 5E1
Phone: (807) 766-7331
Email: mike.johnson at nosm.ca
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