[rt-users] Custom Scrip question

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Fri Dec 10 12:02:16 EST 2010

On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 09:51:02PM -0800, Jason Knight wrote:
>    I am looking to write a custom scrip that will send an email to my [1]allusers at domain.com
>    email address, if the subject line has [--Maintenance--] somewhere in it, to let them know
>    when the scheduled maintenance will be performed.  It can be based on "create ticket" since I
>    can include all the maintenance details in the initial email that goes to the queue.

I suspect you want my reply to Kurt Engle from earlier today where I
talk about using a custom template to set up To: 

You also sound like you want a custom condition that checks if the
Type is Create and then checks the subject


>    Any help appreciated, or pointers to documentation.  I'm a newb and still reading through RT
>    Essentials and the online User Manual.  Rockin product, love it!  You can make an easier to
>    use help desk from an end user perspective.  Very nice way for the IT dept to not only show
>    accountability, but to have all the work in queue, so nothing gets missed, digest reports to
>    managers, website change approval processes, the list goes on.  Having a lot of fun setting it
>    up.
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