[rt-users] Installproblem Oracle+ RT3.6 initscript cannot create system user

Joop JoopvandeWege at mococo.nl
Mon Jan 11 02:49:26 EST 2010

Mads wrote:
> I have installed RT 3.6 on Ubuntu server 8.04 LTS, using the apt-get
> packages.
> I want to use Oracle on a different server.
> On the RT-host I can connect with sqlplus (tnsnames),
> and with
> perl -MDBI -le 'DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:busk","busk","password")'
> user busk has dba-role
It has been a long time since I installed RT 3.6 and  I know that I have 
seen that error before but  can't remember exactly what the solution 
was. I think it was to give my rt-user the DBA role but that is 
something you already did.

May I ask why you're trying to install RT 3.6 instead of the latest RT 



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