[rt-users] Approvals not working - and why won't Quick Search work?

Michael James MJames at stonebridgebank.com
Fri Jul 30 11:44:15 EDT 2010

It still seems to me that a straightforward SQL search should work... no matter how the ticket was created, although my goal is to get approvals working. I will enable the default queue and work with that for now.


>>> "Michael James" <MJames at stonebridgebank.com> 7/29/2010 4:43 PM >>>
I queried the rt3 MySQL database to see what I could see vis-a-vis the approval process. In points 1, 2, 3, and 4, I'm building a case to prove I'm not crazy. If you can explain the results of Quick search in #5, I would be highly appreciative!

1. SELECT * FROM `rt3`.`Queues` where Name = 'ChangeApproval'
1 row fetched: 22, 'ChangeApproval', 'Queue to hold templates for Change Mgmt approval', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 28, '2007-01-04 19:42:12', 28, '2007-01-04 19:42:12', 0

2. SELECT * FROM `rt3`.`Tickets` where Queue = '22'
19 rows fetched. Here are some columns of data. Sorry I can't show all. 

id	EffectiveId	Status
1157	1157		new
2849	2849		new
7458	7458		new
7461	7461		new
7464	7464		new
7466	7466		new
820	820		resolved
822	822		resolved
824	824		resolved
2657	2657		resolved
2851	2851		resolved
2876	2876		resolved
2878	2878		resolved
2880	2880		resolved
2882	2882		resolved
2884	2884		resolved
2886	2886		resolved
2888	2888		resolved
2917	2917		resolved

3. Now, note the headers below for ticket #7461, which confirms Queue = ChangeApproval. 

Wed Jul 28 13:59:08 2010: Request 7461 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by RT_System
       Queue: ChangeApproval
     Subject: Approve Change Request for another test
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: new
Ticket <URL: http://tracker.stonebridgebank.com/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=7461 >

Someone has created a Change Request.  Please review.

4. SELECT * FROM `rt3`.`Tickets` where id = '7461'

id	EffectiveId	Queue	Type
7461	7461		22	approval

5. From my RT at a Glance page, when I click on the quick search for ChangeApproval queue - returns 0 hits. 

http://tracker.stonebridgebank.com/rt/Search/Results.html?Query=Queue = 'ChangeApproval' AND (Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' OR Status = 'stalled')

Why don't any of the approvals with status=new show in the results screen? Any ideas what is going on here?


>>> "Michael James" <MJames at stonebridgebank.com> 7/28/2010 4:57 PM >>>
It worked on 3.4.6, which is the version we were using before 3.8.8.

>>> "Foggi, Nicola" <NFOGGI at depaul.edu> 7/28/2010 4:48 PM >>>

I was never able to get a queue working with approvals other than the default __Approvals queue, if you use that does it work?


-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com on behalf of Michael James
Sent: Wed 7/28/2010 3:38 PM
To: RT Users <rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com 
Subject: [rt-users] Approvals not working

Hi, I used example code on the wiki to create a PO-Request type approval in RT3.8.8 http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ApprovalCreation The process creates new ticket(s) but isn't quite right yet.

I created 2 queues: ChangeRequest and ChangeApproval and both are enabled.

ChangeRequest queue has 1 scrip:

On Create, Create Tickets with template CreateApproval, stage TransactionCreate. with no User defined conditions.

The CreateApproval template is pretty much cut-n-paste from the wiki:

===Create-Ticket: poreq
Subject: Approve Change Request for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: TOP
Queue: ChangeApproval
Type: approval
Owner: username-of-owner   #note this is so that notifications work properly
Content: Someone has created a Change Request.  Please review.

For the ChangeApproval queue, I copied/pasted all of the scrips and templates from the default __Approvals queue. 

When I create a new ticket in the ChangeRequest queue, a 2nd ticket is created and notifications are sent to the watchers that a new ticket is awaiting approval. However, the approvals don't show up in My Approvals. Nor do they show up in the ChangeApproval queue when I search for them. The tickets/approvals exist, I can see them in the Tickets table with type=approval.

I can't sort out what I've done wrong. Any ideas?


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