[rt-users] Understanding schema of RT

Alberto Villanueva alberto.villanueva at altran.es
Sat Jun 19 07:37:02 EDT 2010

Good morning,

As a consequence of my current work, I have to learn the schema of the RT
database. My current version is 3.8.1, but on my explanation I am going to
use the version 3.4 (http://bestpractical.com/rt/3.4-schema.png).

I want to understand a relation using the "Any RT::Record" virtual table
perfectly. For example: using the "Transactions" table. I'm going to do my
explanation, and please you correct me if I do wrong.

My explanation:
- ONE ObjectID of "Transactions" has MANY id in "Any RT::Record" virtual
- ONE Creator of "Any RT::Record" has MANY id in "Principals" table.
- Therefore, ONE Creator of "Transactions" has MANY id in "Principals" table.

Before I show several queries I have test, I would like to know if my
explanation is correct.

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,


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