[rt-users] Using qx in scrip to run a shell script?

Jerrad Pierce jpierce at cambridgeenergyalliance.org
Fri Oct 1 15:07:35 EDT 2010

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 14:58, Peter Roosakos <proosakos at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I was curious if it is possible to use the perl ‘qx’ or similar command
> inside of a custom action scrip to run a system level shell script.  My goal
> is to automate the process of restarting a system service or daemon.  I
> tried putting a couple of qx commands in the scrip. No errors, but no
> restart either.
Unless it's poorly configured, your webserver should not be root and therefore
iughtn't not have the rights to do this.

Although more complex, if I were keen on such functionality, I'd have the
script send a magic cookie to an alias connected to a script that does your
dirty deed. Security of said script is left as a a blanket for the user to throw
right out the door, but rejecting messages not originating on localhost would
be a start.

Otherwise have you considered *shudder* SNMP?
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