[rt-users] Mandatory Subject - EMail

Peter Barton PBarton at iesi.com
Wed Sep 8 10:16:11 EDT 2010

>> I have seen the RT-Extension-MandatorySubject plugin and this is
great for
>> opening tickets via the web interface.  However, my company opens at
>> 90% of its tickets via email.  Is there anything out that can enforce
>> mandatory subjects on tickets opened via email?

>How would you do that? Sending a bounce back? -- which is not
>What you can do is write a scrip on create to look for empty subject
and then insert one based on whatever criteria you want, eg requestor /
sender email >address or the first line of the content etc ..


I would actually like to bounce the email back notifying the sender that
the subject is required.

Peter Barton

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