[rt-users] Rest API search by email?

elekistvan elekistvan at freemail.hu
Fri Apr 8 02:16:13 EDT 2011

Dear All,

I would need to use the rest api to query the tickets by e-mail address.
For eg, something like that: 
http://rt_host/rt/REST/1.0/search/ticket?query=OWNER.Email='elekistvan at freemail.hu'
Is it possible to query tickets by email via rest api?

I would need to query these conditions:
my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser);
$tickets->FromSQL("(status = 'new' or status = 'open') and  (Owner.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "' or Requestor.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "' or Cc.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "' or AdminCc.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "' or Watcher.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "' or QueueCc.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "'  or QueueAdminCc.EmailAddress = '" . $email . "')");

If currently this rest api query is not implemented, do you think the solution would be to extend the rest api? 
for eg: https://gist.github.com/737979
Is it difficult to do?

Thanks a lot,

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