[rt-users] RE Creating a custom correspdonence template

Raphaël MOUNEYRES raphael.mouneyres at sagemcom.com
Tue Apr 19 04:06:29 EDT 2011


there's one simple thing you could do :

in RT_SiteConfig.pm, change option UseFriendlyFromLine to 0 : 
Set($UseFriendlyFromLine, 0)

so RT will send the email using the default queue's adress/name

may it help


Brad Hughes <brad at staff.broadbandsolutions.com.au> 
Envoyé par : rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com
19/04/2011 01:30

rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com

[rt-users] Creating a custom correspdonence template

Hi List,

We have just upgraded from RT 3.6.7 to 3.8.8.

The first thing we noticed is that RT now uses the "Real Name" variable 
to show who posted comments/replies into a ticket, instead of the 
"Username" variable, which we were previously used too.

In our case, all staff members "Real Names" are set to our company name, 
so after the upgrade we are unable to tell which staff member posted a 
comment/reply because they are all listed as our company name. The only 
reason we have our "Real Names" set to our company name, is because we 
want our staff members names to remain anonymous in Correspondence to 

I have no problem changing our "Real Names" to our individual names, and 
that will fix part of the problem because we will then be able to see 
internally which staff member has updated a ticket, however doing that 
will then mean that when we send Correspondence to customers, they will 
see the staff members Real Name in the FROM field (eg John Citizen via 

So I believe as well as changing our "Real Names" to our actual real 
names, I am also going to need to mofify the correspdance template, and 
some how get it to strip out our Real Name in the FROM field, and 
replace it with our company name.

The problem I am having is I cannot find documentation on how I could do 

If someone could please point me in the right direction that would be 
much appreciated.


Kind regards,
Brad Hughes


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