[rt-users] Compiling RT

Howard Jones howie at thingy.com
Tue Aug 2 18:37:47 EDT 2011

On 29/07/2011 21:55, 20/20 Lab wrote:
> Ideally, it will say something along the lines of 'can not find
> XXX::XXX' which you would just cpan XXX::XXXX.   Now for the few that
> don't install;  I grabbed them from the cpan site anyway, manually
> compiled and installed.  Not sure how long it took, as I was working
> on other systems and machines at the time and came back every
> 10~30mins to check on it and do the next step.
Just as a pointer in the right sort of direction - on a CentOS system,
you need to install some devel (library) packages before certain CPAN
modules will build. This includes: expat-devel, libxml2-devel,
mysql-devel & gd-devel, at least. For mod_perl, it also includes
httpd-devel. Obviously the packages would be different on Ubuntu, but I
guess similar...


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