[rt-users] Can't call method "HasRight"

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 12 19:30:14 EDT 2011

On 07/12/2011 06:09 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> I suspect that as well, but it took me ~3 hours to
> get this far and I'm trying to get past it somehow
> instead of trying to figure out a completely different
> plan of attack and starting over :(

Did you drop the relevant fresh tables that you then loaded data into
after make initdb?

You don't say how you loaded up the data, but if you ended up generating
new id sequences when you inserted rows into Principals and Users, you'd
surely create an unworkable database.

Try running rt-validator in check mode to see if it can make heads or
tails of your database.

These are all just guesses.  We don't have nearly enough information
here to do anything than that.  Perhaps you want to start over by
copying the entire database and then using Shredder to get rid of
tickets, attachments, links, and transactions.


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