[rt-users] Dashboard not sent ?

Raphaël MOUNEYRES raphael.mouneyres at sagemcom.com
Fri Mar 25 05:17:55 EDT 2011


i have my RT3.8.8 running correctly on a Mandriva 10 machine, with mail 
sent through smtp working on tickets updates with scrips.

I have subscribed to a dashboard who is using a saved search (with visible 
results), But  i never receive the email.

whenever i change my subscription settings, i have the result yellow box 
showing something like
"Contenu changé(e) de 
Q291bnRlchcGTW9uZGF5AAAAA0Rvdw== ' à 
b3VudGVyFwZNb25kYXkAAAADRG93 "

Something i'm not sure is really correct..

i tried both leaving the "To:" field empty tu use my default adress 
mentioned, and filling it again with my email adress. None of them worked.

and nothing is showing in RT (debug mode) or sendmail logs... can anyone 
give me a hint ?


" Ce courriel et les documents qui lui sont joints peuvent contenir des
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informer l'expéditeur et de supprimer immédiatement de votre système
informatique ce courriel ainsi que tous les documents qui y sont attachés."


" This e-mail and any attached documents may contain confidential or
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sender immediately and delete this e-mail and all attached documents
from your computer system."

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