[rt-users] Manual for Full-text search

Johan Sjöberg johan.sjoberg at deltamanagement.se
Wed May 4 04:01:58 EDT 2011

I wanted to ask the same question, so I know if I should do the migration before or after upgrading to RT 4.
There are a lot of different methods on that page, and the simplest ones seem to be just dumping the MySQL database and importing it into Postgres. Is there any general consensus regarding which method is "best", with the biggest chance of getting non-corrupted attachments etc.?


-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Patrick Fish
Sent: den 4 maj 2011 09:51
To: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Manual for Full-text search

I've been debating the same thing...would the procedure shown on the MySQLToPg page on the Wiki still be valid for 4.0.x?


-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Johan Sjöberg
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 12:38 AM
To: Alex Vandiver
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Manual for Full-text search


Thank you for your reply. We will probably start looking at migrating from MySQL to Postgres, since it seems like that is much better way to go. Looking forward to the full-text search documentation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Vandiver [mailto:alexmv at bestpractical.com]
Sent: den 3 maj 2011 17:53
To: Johan Sjöberg
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Manual for Full-text search

On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 13:52 +0000, Johan Sjöberg wrote:
> I am currently evaluating RT4 on our RT test-server. I noticed that 
> improved fulltext-search is one of the things mentioned in the release 
> notes, and I can also see some settings regarding FullTextSearch in 
> RT_Config.pm.
> Is there any documentation on how to setup and use this feature? It 
> would be very useful to us.

We will be shipping much-improved documentation on the full-text searching in RT 4.0.1.  There is also a sizable bug which prevents it from working on MySQL in RT 4.0.0, which we hope to resolve quickly enough to also land in RT 4.0.1.

> We are using MySQL 5.0

The updated documentation will also make clear that as MySQL does not include built-in full-text search capabilities, we rely on the external Sphinx FTS tool.  Unfortunately, the SphinxSE engine which allows us to make FTS queries from within MySQL requires recompiling MySQL.  You can find complete instructions on how to do this at http://sphinxsearch.com/docs/2.0.1/sphinxse-installing.html

 - Alex

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