[rt-users] RT 4 - install on Debian Squeeze

Vegard Vesterheim vegard.vesterheim at uninett.no
Wed May 25 17:41:48 EDT 2011

On Wed, 18 May 2011 23:08:59 +0200 Alexander Finger <af at genevainformation.ch> wrote:

> If you want to keep your install clean, try to install the necessary
> modules using apt-get instead of using fixdeps.
Good advice. 

Here are some oneliners from my personal notes on installing RT. These
commands tries naively to identify Debian packages for the missing Perl
modules reported by 'make testdeps'. It is far from perfect, but it
alleviates some of the work of satisfying dependencies.

make testdeps | grep '\.MISSING' | perl -pe 's/\s(\S+)\s.*MISSING/lc "lib$1-perl"/e' | sed \
's/::/-/g' | while read p; do sudo apt-get --yes install $p; done                           
make testdeps | perl -wnl -e '/^SOME DEPENDENCIES WERE MISSING/ ... /EOF/ and print' | grep\
 '\.MISSING' | perl -pe 's/\s*([^. ]*).*/lc "lib$1-perl"/e' | sed 's/::/-/g'    

 - Vegard V -

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