[rt-users] cc:'s and replies driving me bonkers!

Jason Marshall jasonm at kelman.com
Mon Oct 3 19:21:15 EDT 2011

Surely this is something a lot of you deal with...

User sends our support queue an email, and cc:'s her supervisor so he gets 
added as a CC.

Ticket is created, all's well.

Supervisor replies to the original (non-rt-generated) message he was cc:ed 
on, leaving our support queue in the recipient list, which seems like a 
good idea.

Second ticket is created because the subject lacks the [queue #xxx] at the 

User replies to her supervisor's email, which is a direct reply to her. 
Still no [queue #xxx] in subject, rt still cc:ed.

Third damned ticket is created.

And so on and so on.

How can this be avoided?

Obviously, not replying to the non-rt-generated email is the right answer, 
but we all know that's not going to be advice that's followed religiously. 
Most of our users are not "power users" and even those who are won't 
likely remember to do that all the time.

Is there a magic flag that can be turned on that prevents this kind of 
behavior by perhaps stripping the re: and comparing the subject to tickets 
that have been opened somewhat recently, or maybe it could notice the 
subject is the same as a ticket that has the replier as originator or cc 
already?  I'm really stretching here...  Failing that, how the heck do you 
deal with this??


PS.   RT 3.8.8

Jason Marshall
IT Manager
Kelman Data Management

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