[rt-users] no content editing for articles?

Joachim Thuau Joachim.Thuau at spacex.com
Fri Oct 14 20:21:41 EDT 2011

Hello List,

We have setup RT4.0.2 on a debian host from source, against Pg 8.0.4, with
apache2/mod_perl2 over SSL with kerberos auth in apache.

RTFM seems to be included out of the box with the setup. but the content
section, when trying to modify an article, doesn't have any UI elements to
edit the content. 

Is there some javascript that should be taking care of updating the form
to have the rich text UI?
There are references to javascript -- /NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor.js --
which doesn't seem to exist on the filesystem, but my access log shows
that it's getting accessed properly -- "GET /NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor.js
HTTP/1.1" 200 -- in my ssl_access.

I haven't seen anything specific in the /docs or the RT_Config.pm that
references that. There doesn't seem to be anything related to that in the
RT logs (they mostly have stuff about my ldapimport finding a bunch of
empty groups).

I expect that it's missing a text area that would be replaced by jQuery
once the page is loaded.

The chunk of the page that has that part looks like this (see below). Note
that the Content part is pretty short...

<form method="post" action="Edit.html" name="EditArticle" id="EditArticle"
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="new" />
<table width="100%">
<td class="label">Name</td>
<td><input name="Name" value="" size="50" /></td>
<td class="label">Summary</td>
<td><input name="Summary" value="" size="50" /></td>
<td class="label">Class</td>
Setup Documentation
<input type="hidden" name="Class" value="1" />


<td class="label"></td>
<td class="value"><i>Enter articles, tickets, or other URLs related to
this article.
Type <b>a:</b> before article numbers and <b>t:</b> before ticket numbers.
Separate multiple entries with spaces.
<td class="label">Refers to:</td>
<td><input name="new-RefersTo" value="" /><br />
<td class="label">Referred to by:</td>
<td><input name="RefersTo-new" value="" />
<br />

<td class="label">Topics</td>
<input type="hidden" name="EditTopics" value="1" />
<select multiple size="10" name="Topics">

<div class="submit"
  <div class="extra-buttons">
  <div class="buttons">

  <span class="caption"></span>
  <input type="submit"   value="Create" class="button" />

  <div class="submit-clear"></div>




| Joachim Thuau | Linux Systems Administrator / SpaceX |
| Cell: 310-890-7937 | Office: 310-363-6153 |

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