[rt-users] Result after On queue change

Björn Schulz bjoern.schulz at desy.de
Mon Aug 13 07:54:33 EDT 2012


I try to build a scrip to avoid a queue change from a specific queue
(general (1)) if a Cf (Text1) isn't set on a rt3.8 box.

In principal it work as a global scrip, but the result field didn't say
the truth. ;-)

After the not possible queue change the ticket is in the old queue, but
results tells me:

    Ticket 30: Queue changed from General to TQ-1

Any ideas to fix this?


P.S. Here is my global scrip. On queue level (general) it doesn't work
for me.

Description:	Queue Change only if Text1 is set
Condition:	On Queue Change
Action:		User Defined
Template:	Global template Blank
Stage:		TransactionCreate

Custom action preparation code:	

return 1;
Custom action cleanup code:	

my $OV =  			
$RT::Logger->crit("The old value is: ".$OV);
if ($OV != 1)
     return 0;
if (!$self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue("Text1"))
return 1;

In pricipal

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