[rt-users] CustomField that displays users

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 3 16:24:36 EST 2012

On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 10:43:54AM -0700, Brent Wiese wrote:
> >That's what a "User-defined" Group is. It is a subset of Privileged users that you put in as members.
> Yeah, I have those. Everyone I want to display is in a group I've defined, but I didn't want to assume I could populate on groups.
> >I have some code that will put all members of a group into a Custom Field.
> That would be awesome if you could share. I was a little surprised I wasn't able to find anyone asking about it via my searches. I would have thought it would be somewhat common.

The example External Custom Field that ships with RT puts groups into
a CF, so you should be able to mod that easily to do privileged users.


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