[rt-users] Some questions, a few oddities, and some must-haves...

Glenn E. Sieb gsieb at efashionsolutions.com
Fri Jun 8 10:57:50 EDT 2012

On 06/07/2012 07:40 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> I'm asking for a replication recipe. I want to know the steps to 
> replicate your bug. -kevin 

LMAO! :-D Gotcha.. when *I* hear "replication" I hear "MySQL" or "HA".. 
obviously not what you meant! :-)

Well on $WORK's server (CentOS 6.2), I did a bunch of "yum whatprovides" 
to install the packages for RT, and installed them using "yum install."

Ran the usual configure/make testdeps (and anything missing, again, 
installed via yum)/make install bits.

Here is the list of perl's packages RT shows in the configuration page 
(minus the paths):

Apache::Session     1.86
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5     2.1
Apache::Session::Lock::MySQL     1.01
Apache::Session::MySQL     1.01
Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable     1.01
Apache::Session::Store::DBI     1.02
Apache::Session::Store::MySQL     1.04
AutoLoader     5.60
B     1.09_01
base     2.07
bytes     1.02
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry     0.27
capitalization     0.03
Carp     1.04
CGI     3.59
CGI::Cookie     1.30
CGI::Emulate::PSGI     0.14
CGI::PSGI     0.15
CGI::Util     3.53
Class::Accessor     0.34
Class::Accessor::Fast     0.34
Class::Container     0.12
Class::Data::Inheritable     0.06
Class::Inspector     1.17
Class::ReturnValue     0.55
Clone     0.27
constant     1.05
Convert::ASN1     0.22
CSS::Squish     0.07
Cwd     3.33
Data::Dumper     2.131
Data::OptList     0.107
Date::Format     2.22
Date::Parse     2.27
DateTime     0.41
DateTime::Locale     0.45
DateTime::Set     0.31
DateTime::TimeZone     0.67
DateTime::TimeZone::Floating     0.01
DateTime::TimeZone::Local     0.01
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly     0.02
DateTime::TimeZone::UTC     0.01
DBD::mysql     3.0007
DBI     1.52
DBIx::SearchBuilder     1.62
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union     0
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique     0.01
Devel::GlobalDestruction     0.04
Devel::StackTrace     1.27
Devel::StackTrace::Frame     1.27
Devel::Symdump     2.08
Digest::base     1.00
Digest::MD5     2.36
Digest::SHA     5.71
DynaLoader     1.05
Email::Address     1.888
Encode     2.44
Encode::Alias     2.15
Encode::Byte     2.04
Encode::Config     2.05
Encode::Encoding     2.05
Encode::Guess     2.05
Encode::Unicode     2.07
Errno     1.0901
Exception::Class     1.23
Exception::Class::Base     1.2
Exporter     5.58
Exporter::Heavy     5.58
FCGI     0.67
Fcntl     1.05
File::Basename     2.74
File::Glob     1.05
File::Path     2.08
File::ShareDir     1.00
File::Spec     3.33
File::Spec::Unix     3.33
File::Temp     0.22
FileHandle     2.01
GD     2.35
GD::Image     2.27
Getopt::Long     2.35
GraphViz     2.02
Hash::MultiValue     0.12
HTML::Element     3.23
HTML::Entities     1.35
HTML::Formatter     2.04
HTML::FormatText     2.04
HTML::Mason     1.48
HTML::Mason::CGIHandler     1.00
HTML::Mason::Exception     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation::IncompatibleCompiler     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compiler     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Decline     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Params     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Syntax     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::System     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::TopLevelNotFound     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::VirtualMethod     1.1
HTML::Mason::Exceptions     1.43
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler     0.52
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler::Streamy     0.52
HTML::Mason::Request::PSGI     0.52
HTML::Parser     3.55
HTML::Scrubber     0.08
HTML::Tagset     3.10
HTML::TreeBuilder     3.23
HTTP::Body     1.15
HTTP::Body::MultiPart     1.15
HTTP::Body::OctetStream     1.15
HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded     1.15
HTTP::Body::XForms     1.15
HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart     1.15
HTTP::Date     6.02
HTTP::Headers     6.00
HTTP::Message     6.03
HTTP::Request     6.00
HTTP::Response     6.03
HTTP::Status     6.03
I18N::LangTags     0.35
I18N::LangTags::Detect     1.03
integer     1.00
IO     1.25
IO::File     1.14
IO::Handle     1.28
IO::Seekable     1.1
IO::Select     1.17
IO::Socket     1.31
IO::Socket::INET     1.31
IO::Socket::UNIX     1.23
IPC::Open2     1.02
IPC::Open3     1.02
IPC::Run     0.80
JSON     2.17
JSON::PP     2.27200
JSON::PP::IncrParser     1.01
List::MoreUtils     0.22
List::Util     1.21
Locale::Maketext     1.09
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy     0.10
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon     0.62
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext     0.15
Log::Any     0.14
Log::Any::Adapter::Null     0.14
Log::Dispatch     2.29
Log::Dispatch::Base     2.29
Log::Dispatch::Output     2.29
Log::Dispatch::Screen     2.29
Log::Dispatch::Syslog     2.29
LWP     6.04
LWP::Protocol     6.00
LWP::UserAgent     6.04
Mail::Address     1.77
Mail::Field     1.77
Mail::Field::AddrList     1.77
Mail::Field::Date     1.77
Mail::Header     1.77
Mail::Internet     1.77
Mail::Mailer     1.77
Math::BigInt     1.997
Math::BigInt::Calc     1.997
MIME::Base64     3.07
MIME::Body     5.502
MIME::Decoder     5.502
MIME::Decoder::Binary     5.502
MIME::Decoder::NBit     5.502
MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint     5.502
MIME::Entity     5.502
MIME::Field::ContDisp     5.502
MIME::Field::ConTraEnc     5.502
MIME::Field::ContType     5.502
MIME::Field::ParamVal     5.502
MIME::Head     5.502
MIME::Parser     5.502
MIME::QuotedPrint     3.07
MIME::Tools     5.502
MIME::Words     5.502
Module::Versions::Report     1.06
Net::CIDR     0.13
Net::LDAP     0.44
Net::LDAP::ASN     0.08
Net::LDAP::Bind     1.03
Net::LDAP::Constant     0.14
Net::LDAP::Entry     0.24
Net::LDAP::Filter     0.16
Net::LDAP::Intermediate     0.02
Net::LDAP::Message     1.11
Net::LDAP::Search     0.13
Net::LDAP::Util     0.12
overload     1.04
Params::Util     1.00
Params::Validate     0.88
parent     0.225
PerlIO     1.04
PerlIO::scalar     0.04
Plack::Request     0.9986
Plack::Response     0.9986
POSIX     1.09
re     0.05
Regexp::Common     2.120
Regexp::Common::_support     2.101
Regexp::Common::balanced     2.101
Regexp::Common::CC     2.100
Regexp::Common::comment     2.116
Regexp::Common::delimited     2.104
Regexp::Common::lingua     2.105
Regexp::Common::list     2.103
Regexp::Common::net     2.105
Regexp::Common::net::CIDR     0.02
Regexp::Common::number     2.108
Regexp::Common::profanity     2.104
Regexp::Common::SEN     2.102
Regexp::Common::URI     2.108
Regexp::Common::URI::fax     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::file     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::ftp     2.101
Regexp::Common::URI::gopher     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::http     2.101
Regexp::Common::URI::news     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::pop     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::prospero     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1035     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1738     2.104
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1808     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2384     2.102
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2806     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::tel     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::telnet     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::tv     2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::wais     2.100
Regexp::Common::whitespace     2.103
Regexp::Common::zip     2.112
Regexp::IPv6     0.03
RT     4.0.5
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth     0.10
RT::Extension::Gravatar     0.03
RT::Extension::MandatorySubject     0.05
RT::Interface::Email     2
RT::Interface::Web::Request     0.30
RTx::Calendar     0.14
RTx::WorkflowBuilder     1.02
Scalar::Util     1.21
SelectSaver     1.01
Set::Infinite     0.65
Socket     1.78
Storable     2.15
strict     1.03
Sub::Exporter     0.982
Sub::Install     0.926
Symbol     1.06
Sys::Syslog     0.29
Text::Password::Pronounceable     0.30
Text::Template     1.44
Text::Wrapper     1.01
Tie::Hash     1.02
Time::HiRes     1.9717
Time::JulianDay     2003.1125
Time::Local     1.2000
Time::ParseDate     2003.1126
Time::Timezone     2003.0211
Time::Zone     2.22
Try::Tiny     0.11
UNIVERSAL     1.01
UNIVERSAL::require     0.11
URI     1.60
URI::_punycode     0.04
URI::Escape     3.31
URI::file     4.21
utf8     1.06
vars     1.01
warnings     1.05
warnings::register     1.01
XSLoader     0.06

That all said, Apache/2.2.3:
Compiled in modules:
Loaded Modules:
  core_module (static)
  mpm_prefork_module (static)
  http_module (static)
  so_module (static)
  auth_basic_module (shared)
  authn_file_module (shared)
  authz_host_module (shared)
  authz_user_module (shared)
  authz_owner_module (shared)
  authz_groupfile_module (shared)
  authz_dbm_module (shared)
  authz_default_module (shared)
  ldap_module (shared)
  authnz_ldap_module (shared)
  log_config_module (shared)
  env_module (shared)
  mime_magic_module (shared)
  setenvif_module (shared)
  mime_module (shared)
  dav_module (shared)
  status_module (shared)
  autoindex_module (shared)
  dav_fs_module (shared)
  vhost_alias_module (shared)
  negotiation_module (shared)
  dir_module (shared)
  alias_module (shared)
  rewrite_module (shared)
  proxy_module (shared)
  cgi_module (shared)
  fcgid_module (shared)
  extract_forwarded_module (shared)
  security2_module (shared)
  unique_id_module (shared)
  php5_module (shared)
  dav_svn_module (shared)
  authz_svn_module (shared)
Syntax OK

mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.21, for Linux (i686) using readline 5.1

Let me know if you need any other info. I'm planning on doing the update 
to 4.0.6 probably this Sunday.

The setup is a loadbalancer, hitting the same NFS cluster, hitting a 
MySQL master/slave setup. As far as functionality (tickets/etc), RT is 
working splendidly, as it always does. It was just the menu and search 
stuff that was disconcerting.

Thanks, again, Kevin!

Glenn E. Sieb
System Administrator
+1 201 809-4958

80 Enterprise Avenue South
Secaucus, NJ 07094

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