[rt-users] RT CLI + SLA 0.0.5 => dosen't works Bussiness Hours
Pablo Silva
psilvao at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 17:21:01 EDT 2012
I'm using the client rt in / opt/rt4/bin / which works properly,
version request for tracker is 4.0.5, I'm using RT :: Extension :: SLA
version 0.05.
My problem is that when I create a ticket via website, SLA works with
the Business Hours, but when I try to do the same task from the shell
i've observed that the times are calculated as rt customer apparently
thought that the due date is in GMT and does not respect the Server
As you can see in the Screenshot, the ticket was:
-create Mar 23 03:39:55 2012
-started Mar 23 06:39:55 2012 (here the correct was Mar 23 08:30:00 2012)
-due date Abr 06 08:30:00
The RT client invokation was:
./rt create -t ticket set queue='Certificacion' subject="un ejemplo"
text="bla bla"
My Timezone is Chile/Continental, it's configurated inside RT_SiteConfig.
Set($Timezone, "Chile/Continental");
My SLA and Bussiness Hours are:
et(%ServiceAgreements, (
Default => '12',
QueueDefault => {
'Administracion de sistemas' => '18',
'Asistencia tecnologica' => '18',
'Certificacion' => '90',
'Consultas' => '18',
'Induccion' => '12',
'Organizacion de eventos presenciales' => '18',
'Organizacion de eventos virtuales' => '18',
'Planes de formacion' => '18',
'Reclamos' => '18',
'Reportes de gestion' => '18',
'Sugerencias' => '18'
Levels => {
'12' => {
BusinessHours => 'Horario Soporte',
StartImmediately => 0,
Resolve => { BusinessMinutes => 60*12 },
'18' => {
BusinessHours => 'Horario Soporte',
StartImmediately => 0,
Resolve => { BusinessMinutes => 60*18 },
'90' => {
BusinessHours => 'Horario Soporte',
StartImmediately => 0,
Resolve => { BusinessMinutes => 60*90 },
%RT::ServiceBusinessHours = (
'Horario Soporte' => {
1 => { Name => 'Lunes', Start => '8:30', End => '18:00' },
2 => { Name => 'Martes', Start => '8:30', End => '18:00' },
3 => { Name => 'Miercoles', Start => '8:30', End => '18:00' },
4 => { Name => 'Jueves', Start => '8:30', End => '18:00' },
5 => { Name => 'Viernes', Start => '8:30', End => '15:30' },
It's a Bug? from SLA or RT Cli or i need some tip for to works?
Thanks in advance!
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