[rt-users] custom actions for inserting multiple mixed v4/v6 IP addresses into a custom field.

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Sep 4 13:24:10 EDT 2012

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 05:49:36PM +0000, Lundberg, Emory wrote:
> I cannot seem to get a scrip that will accept multiple comma-seperated addresses from an email (or any correspondevent for that matter), only one address will be accepted.
> The scrip I am using is a custom action that looks like this:

I'd suggest looking at what RTIR's IP address parsing routines are

You'll want lib/RT/Action/RTIR_FindIP.pm in the RTIR tarball.

Also, keep in mind that if you create an Multiple Value IP Address
custom field, you still need to add your multiple values one at a time
(like if you were adding multiple values to a normal multi-value CF).


> 	my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;
> 	my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
> 	my $body = $Transaction->Content();
> 	my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser);
> 	my $id;
> 	my $msg;
> 	my $queue = 'Testes';
> 	#---IPS
> 	if($body =~ /X-addresses\:(.*)\n/i){
> 	my $iplist = $1;
> 	($id,$msg) = $cf->LoadByNameAndQueue (Name=>'ip-addresses', Queue=>$queue);
> 	($id,$msg) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue (Field => $cf, Value =>$iplist);
> 	}
> 	return(1);
> I'm not opposed to being told I'm going about this the wrong way; present practice for my RT install is to have a web form submit requests, currently that request will have an IP address field that is picked up by a similar scrip (in addition to x-fqdn, x-contact, x-OS, and other information being collected) and I was thinking a comma-seperated list of mixed ipv4,ipv6 could be snarfed in one line and, as long as RT's address parser validated it, we'd be in business.
> ✔ Never use your HawkID's email address and password anywhere else!
>    Emory Lundberg, Security Friend
>    Information Security & Policy Office, University of Iowa 
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