[rt-users] Odd number of elements...

Patrick G. Stoesser lists at pgs-info.de
Fri Apr 12 08:43:31 EDT 2013


when restarting Apache I get the mistakes

Restarting web server: apache2
Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at 
/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Config.pm line 1072.
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at 
/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Config.pm line 1073.
  ... waiting .
Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at 
/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Config.pm line 1072.
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at 
/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT/Config.pm line 1073.

According to the wiki etc. the error should be in my
 > [...] config file. Somewhere you set a hash option
 > (key-value pairs), but misses key or value and number of elements in
 > assignment is odd

But I just can't find the error. I even commented out one setting after 
another to try it out, but that didn't work either. I also made, as 
recommended, all changes via /RT_SiteConfig.d and not in the original 

I'm running RT4 on Debian Squeeze (backports) without an upgrade from an 
earlier 3.8.

My custom changes are (*=anonymized):

######## GENERAL #######################################################
Set($rtname, '****');

Set($LogToSysLog, '');				#disable syslog
Set($LogToFile, 'debug');			#alles loggen
Set($LogDir, '/var/log/request-tracker4');	#pfad
Set($LogToFileNamed, 'rt4.log');		#dateiname

# Email Loops verhindern

# Webdomain override
Set($WebDomain, '***.***.***.***');
Set($WebPort, 443);
Set($WebPath , "/rt");
Set($WebBaseURL , "https://***.***.***.***");

# auto-create users for unknown incoming mails
Set($AutoCreate, {Privileged => 0});

#Disable GnuPG
Set($GnuPG, {'Enable' => 0});

#Default Theme
Set($WebDefaultStylesheet, 'web2');

Set($MinimumPasswordLength, 8);

#Sort Order
Set($OldestTransactionsFirst, 0);

Set(%FullTextSearch, Enable  => 1, Indexed => 0,);

######## CUSTOM STATUS #################################################

######## PLUGINS #######################################################
# Plugins

# Calendar Plugin
Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyCalendar
      MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);

#Refresh global
Set($HomePageRefreshInterval, "900");
Set($SearchResultsRefreshInterval, "60");

# add RT::Extension::JSGantt to @Plugins: e.g.
# Set(@Plugins,'RT::Extension::JSGantt');
# customize JSGantt as you wish:

         DefaultFormat => 'week', # day or week or month or quarter
         ShowOwner     => 1,
         ShowProgress  => 1,
         ShowDuration  => 1,

         # define your own color scheme:
         # ColorScheme => ['ff0000', 'ffff00', 'ff00ff', '00ff00', 
'00ffff', '0000ff'],

         # we color owners consistently by default, you can disable it via:
         # ColorSchemeByOwner => 0,

         # you can specify colors to use, unspecified owners will be
        # assigned to some color automatically:
        # ColorSchemeByOwner => { root => 'ff0000', foo => '00ff00' },

         # if can't find both start and end dates, use this color
         NullDatesColor => 333,

         # to caculate day length
         WorkingHoursPerDay => 8,

         # used to set start/end if one exists but the other does not
         DefaultDays => 7,


Any ideas, reccomendations, hints?

Thanks in advance, Patrick

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