[rt-users] One particular ticket crashes RT 3.8.7

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 5 11:32:15 EDT 2013

On Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 01:51:59PM +1000, Chris Herrmann wrote:
>    [Mon Aug 05 12:58:24 2013] [notice] child pid 7013 exit signal Segmentation faul
>    Set($LogToFile , undef);
>    Set($LogDir, '/var/log/rt3');
>    Set($LogToFileNamed , "rt3.log"); #log to rt.log
>    to RT_SiteConfig.pm
>    but... there's nothing logging to /var/log/rt3

There's nothing in /var/log/rt3 because you told RT not to log
anything to the file.  You should touch /var/log/rt3/rt3.log and make
sure your webserver can write to it and then change $LogToFile to the
log level you want - however, you do seem to be getting debugging logs
to syslog so you may not need it (logging the same debug log to
multiple places just slows RT down).

>    /var/log/debug contains:
>    Aug 5 13:45:59 sirius RT: We found a merged ticket.106966/106648
>    Aug 5 13:45:59 sirius RT: We found a merged ticket.106969/106648

How many Tickets in your database have an EffectiveId of 106648?
There's some performance improvements around merged tickets in 3.8.8.

Usually when folks complain of crashing on old 3.8 tickets with lots
of text, it's a bug in Text::Quoted or a bug in Perl.  Those are both
hard to fix without upgrades though.  You would need a lot more
information to show us what broke though.

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