[rt-users] Article Content not editable

LAW Andy andy.law at roslin.ed.ac.uk
Wed Aug 28 04:58:14 EDT 2013

On 27 Aug 2013, at 17:24, Kevin Falcone <falcone at bestpractical.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 04:46:15PM +0100, LAW Andy wrote:
>> I'm trying to create some new articles and I'm struggling to find how to actually add Content. I can seemingly create the Article and give it a Name, Summary and Class and assign Topic labels to it but there is just a big blank area next to the word Content.
>> I *think* that I've given myself all the necessary permissions to create and modify the Article content. Any clues as to where I should be looking to get this working?
> http://bestpractical.com/docs/rt/latest/customizing/articles_introduction.html#Custom-Fields
> -kevin

OK. Thanks.

Is there a way to get an editable field for an article that includes all the CKEditor goodness that we get in ticket comment fields?



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